Kindness of a Stranger, Strength of Yourself

Yesterday got off to a swinging start.  Running late at 8am to meet an installation technician at Lazy Mon, I knew I had to get gas or I would never make it to the bar at all.  Hoping on all hopes that I wouldn’t run out of gas before getting to the station, I headed out of town to spend over $5 a gallon… yea, that’s right.  Keep all of the posts on Facebook coming about how cheap gas is in the States right now, I REALLY LOVE seeing them.  Not.

Where was I?  Oh, right.

So, there I was, almost at the gas station and sure enough I ran out of gas.  Taking it for what it was and not freaking out, I grab the empty gallon container out of the trunk and walk the half mile to grab some “get there gas.”

Sure enough, upon arriving at the gas station on foot, one of my not-so-favorite local “pharmacists” is pulling up on his moped and laughingly asks if I want a ride.  Of course he already knew the answer, but I politely declined.  He laughs and rides off.  I curse him in my head and smile.

Moving on.

I grab my $5 gallon of gas and head back to my truck.  It’s not a far walk and I actually don’t mind it with the clouds clearing and sun shining over head.  Walking along the road, I mentally check my list of what I need to fill my tank.

Empty water bottle. Check.

Stick. Check.

Gallon of gas. Check.

Knife to cut open bottle.  GOOSE EGG.

Being resourceful, I figure I can make a hole with my keys and then rip it open.  Clearly, this is not my first rodeo running out of gas.

I get back to my car and start to assemble my goods while not being side swept, when a random older man zooms past on his motorcycle.  I notice that he sees me, passes me and then turns around.  When he comes back he asks if I need help and I ask “tienes un cuchillo?” Do you have a knife?

The man sees the bottle in my hand, says something incomprehensible and zooms past me in the direction he originally came.  Figuring he was trying to help, I wait a beat for his return.  A minute later he comes back with a cut 2 liter bottle, grabs a stick and like a well-oiled machine we work together to pour the gas into the car.  Mission accomplished, I close the tank, thank him and without another word save for “con gusto” he jumps on his bike and leaves.  No strings.  No expectations.  No lingering.  Just good old fashioned help.

And to be honest… I didn’t need his help.  I had already done the “hard” part of walking a mile or so to and from the gas station with the gas.  I essentially had the tools I needed or at least the creativity to make it happen.  But there is an adrenaline rush that comes with both receiving and giving help to a stranger for the sole purpose of doing good.  The rush that comes with truly selfless acts and glimpses of a positive society.  Who was I to deny either one of us of that rare luxury?

The point of my story is two fold.  For one, we are embarking on a new year in less than 10 hours and resolutions aside, let’s just do selfless acts.  Let’s help people for no other reason than to help people.  You don’t have to help someone every single day, but most days or even some days can change a lot of people’s lives… even if it is just BRIGHTENING someone’s day after they ran out of gas on the side of the road.

And the other point of my story is to the ladies.  Often we are stuck in a world between trying to show how strong and independent we are while being beautiful and soft.  I once had a wise woman tell me that I didn’t have to be so scared to let other people help me- that it didn’t make me weak.  I think she was right.  I can be strong and beautiful, independent and ladylike.  I didn’t need that man’s help, but I took it.  Allow yourself to be treated like a lady, but be prepared like a warrior.  Either way, you’re good to go.

Happy New Year to everyone.  Love your family, enjoy your friends, laugh a lot, love often, show kindness, show gratitude, be strong, be soft, be accepting of help and offer it whenever possible.  The simplest of gestures can turn out to be grander than you think.


Birthdays After Babies: From Sexy and Spontaneous to Scheduled and Simple

A homemade birthday card, Saturday Fresh Market shopping, coffee on the beach before some serious wave action, breakfast for lunch accompanied by margaritas and I would say Abasi’s birthday was off to a kickin’ start. Some R & R at the house before the night got started and then it was dinner with close friends at a beautiful Italian restaurant, cocktails at… well our bar… followed by an incredible fire show and a group of almost 100 friends and guests singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY in an incredibly off key and awesome way! And because nothing is quite normal in Puerto Viejo, Abasi’s “final” candle he had to blow out was a fire dancer’s torch. And the icing on the cake, pardon my pun, was we had a babysitter until 1am! Holy cow, we were finally out… as adults… partying and dancing with friends! It was truly a great day and we are so blessed for the people in our lives.

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Yet, I couldn’t help but to think back to previous birthdays of ours… in our younger and carefree days if you will and laugh at how different it is from now. WE WENT TO SPAIN for one of my birthdays for Pete’s sake. Abasi’s birthday 3 years ago was spent in a shotty motel room on our trek to Costa Rica. After spending the day lost, we checked into the only motel we could find, our tail between our legs and settled on a beautiful birthday dinner of pistachios and tequila. If you want to read the whole story from that day, you can check out a past blog, It’s sure to keep you entertained.

But I digress. My point is we used to be movers and shakers, hotshots doing whatever, whenever. Bar hopping, big bucks spent on birthday dinners, leather jackets, expensive purses, casino boat cruises… man we went all out! I would wear my sexiest high heels all night long. And I mean, ALL NIGHT… like into the morning. We would party until the sun came up! Wake up to a house full of half drank beer bottles and completely drained vodka bottles. Birthday loving? Of course! Whenever, wherever. (Sorry parents, but let’s be honest.)

Fast forward to the present and I’m exhausted writing that last paragraph. NO NO NO, we need to know WHERE we’re going so I can make reservations, WHEN we’re going to plan the babysitter and damnit I’m wearing sandals! I woke up this morning, to the house clean and those 2 bottles of Leffe that we WERE DEFINITELY GOING TO DRINK unopened and sitting in the fridge. And holy cow… birthday sex? Can we pencil it in the DAY BEFORE your birthday to make sure we don’t forget or fall asleep first? It still counts right?

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