If Only Dogs Could Read…

My dear, sweet boy, whoever said ‘a girl’s best friend were diamonds’ clearly never had a friend like you.  My companion and champion, my caretaker and confidant.

Your time is near now and I know it’s not fair.  Not to you, not to me, not to our family, but nevertheless it is out of our control.  I feel we are all being cheated.  There are so many things I wish I knew you understood, so many “human” emotions I wish I knew you could feel from me.  Conversations that are one sided, save for your wagging tail and slobbery kisses.

I am writing to you now, because if you could read, which I know you cannot, there are things I want you to hear.  My feelings, clouded by pain, would be lost after you are gone and there are things I need to say.

You were always the one.  I have known you from the second you entered this world.  Born with a hernia, later to be called your “Bentley Bump” I knew you were the one for me… I loved you because of your imperfections, which to me made you perfect.

In your short 7 years with us, you have cared for me as much as I have cared for you.  You stayed by my bedside when I was sick, you would lay your head in my lap when I cried.  You felt all of my emotions and even if you didn’t understand them, you reacted as if you did.  When I was happy you would try to climb and lie on me.  I don’t think you even realize how big you are my friend, but as the years passed, I could barely breathe under the weight of you… but I never moved.  I would never move from you because you never moved from me.

Together, as the original family of 4, you and Gemini, traversed the Americas with us to our new home.  You walked the steep roads in Mexico and the lands of Guatemala.  You sat, happily tied to a pole, while Abasi and I sang “God Bless America” while being harassed by the Nicaraguan police.  You, my sweet, horse sized friend, are awesome.

I need you to know that I am so sorry for your loss of your mama.  She was older and had a good life, and I guess just like it is yours now, it was her time then as well.  I know it was confusing for you to have her one day and gone the next.  You waited at the gate for her for weeks, expecting for her to come back.  She’s waiting for you now and when you are ready, we will leave you with her.

I feel like now, in the final days or weeks that we have left, like I have failed you in some way.  Maybe I should have walked you more, or told you I loved you more.  Thrown the ball a couple more times or taken you to the beach more often.  Despite my shortcomings you have always greeted me with excitement and love.  Your endless friendship and constant love is evident.  I feel stuck trying to prove my own love for you… I pray you feel it.

If you wanted to keep fighting, I would hand feed you every day for the rest of my life if I had too, but I know that is not in your cards.  Though your personality still shines through, your frail body is preparing.  I can tell by the way you walk beside me and not in front of me anymore, that you are slowing down.  Don’t worry my friend, I will walk beside you until the very last moment.  I will silently cry into your fur and hold you so that you feel surrounded when you go.  I will love you way past your exit from this world.

I love you Bentley, my BoBo.  I love you more than I expected to be able to love an animal if I’m being honest.  I know it is your time and though I wish I could be selfish, I want you to go when you are ready.  Until then, I will hold you, love you and walk with you everyday.  I will stay with you until Gemini greets you on the other side.  You are my companion and my champion, my caretaker and my confidant until the very end my friend.

If only you could read…

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42 thoughts on “If Only Dogs Could Read…

  1. Well that was a tear jerker! I am so sorry that your sweet dog is about to leave this world. It’s amazing what a lasting impact they make on us. They love us no matter what and never fail to make us feel like we matter.


  2. If you show him how much you love him (and it sounds like you do), there is no need for him to read – he will just know 🙂


  3. O my God this made me cry 😥 … You love him so much clearly i can notice this and also he has been a very important part of your life. As many comments already says he will know everything you said. No need to say 🙂


  4. No, no, no, please don’t think you failed your dog in some way or could have thrown the ball a few more times. God or whoever designed these things gave us humans truly one perfect gift: that when we love our dog, that love is the perfect for them. I was teary eyed reading your post. It reminded me of my lab Freeway who had to be put down five years ago. Last week my schanuzer Alley, 11, underwent surgery to remove two big tumors. Doc said there are more small ones that are as yet inoperable and at that moment I knew how the next few years will play out for both of us. There will be more surgeries until there cannot be. I know I will be in the place where you are with Alley soon, but for now I am enjoying her company and spoiling her like crazy. Take heart, Krysta, you are your dog’s perfect love and friend — just as he is yours.


  5. No, no, no, please don’t think you failed your dog in some way or could have thrown the ball a few more times. God or whoever designed these things gave us humans truly one perfect gift: that when we love our dog, that love is the perfect love for them, too. I was teary-eyed reading your post. It reminded me of my lab Freeway who had to be put down five years ago. Last week my schnauzer Alley, 11, underwent surgery to remove two big tumors. Doc said there are more small ones that are as yet inoperable and at that moment I knew how the next few years will play out for both of us. There will be more surgeries until there cannot be. I know I will be in the place where you are with Alley soon, but for now I am enjoying her company and spoiling her like crazy. Take heart, Krysta, you are your dog’s perfect love and friend — just as he is yours.


  6. I pray that Bentley has a peaceful crossing over the Rainbow Bridge to meet and romp with his mother, Gemini. Prayers that you Abasi and especially Kennedy have strength and only wonderful memories of them.


  7. Im sorry for your loss. I lost my cat Lexi in July , and still feel the emptiness. I think of the happy memories she gave me though and always brings a smile and sometimes tears.


  8. So sorry that you and your family will soon lose a dear member of your household. It sounds like you have had a great 7 years together and have lots of memories to hold in your heart. I am sure your dog can read your love through your actions. Take care!


  9. I may or may not have cried. My dog passed away a few years ago and I can relate to this on so many levels. I think we all wish our animals could truly understand just how much we love them. They become our companions and our best friends: part of the family.


  10. I am truly truly sorry for your loss! I felt the same when our 22-year old Tabby Yumyum passed away. I was in tears for awhile. I even made a video of her (which took me forever bec. I kept crying!). Your beloved pet is now an angel and will continue to look after you and your family. 🙂


  11. Ah! I’m so sorry this is happening to your dog. Seven years isn’t very long. 😦 You know dogs truly are amazing creatures. We had a dog named sugar bear when I was a toddler and my mother would only let me out in the front yard if she was with me. She kept me from running out into the street on a few occasions by grabbing the back of my shorts and dragging me backwards. She really was very protective of my brother and I.


  12. I’ve never cried reading these blogs before, but man that’s a sad one. I don’t have a dog, but we had this family cat, that we lost last year, I didn’t think it would bother me, until he wonder off to die, we assume that’s what happened at least. I cried like a baby, our pets are like family. Sidenote, I hate the phase, “a woman’s best friend is diamonds..” i hate diamonds lol *hugs*


  13. The dog may not be able to read this but one thing I can assure you, he knows this already before you even put it into writing. Dogs can smell not only the scent but also the message of your heart. They know if you are sad, happy or if you have message for them. Dogs are awesome and we will be forever grateful for their loyalty and friendship.


  14. Awww what a sad post. I’m sure your best friend is happy with your love. I still haven’t been able to get a new dog after the death of my longtime best friend. I hope that you enjoy the time you have left and I’m sure it’s going to be so hard to say goodbye.


  15. This is beautiful. Believe me, he knows. I have 3 dogs who are my everything and I know they know too. This was a beautiful read, and it shows just how much you do love your pooch!


  16. Although your little friend can not read your post, I am certain he is aware of your love. Your beautiful words prove how much you love your four legged friend. Enjoy your moments with your little fur baby.


  17. I’m so sorry! I’ve never lost a pet, but I have a small dog that is getting very old. I don’t know what I would do without her. She’s the only dog I’ve bought and she’s been there for me through everything. I truly believe that dogs know more than we do. That they feel what we feel and know more or less what we are going through. I’m sure he knows how much you truly love him.


  18. I lost a pet last year and it was very hard. We had three dogs and then went down to two. What was so sad was our other pets looking for the lost one. This is a hard thing to go through. At least your pet knew how much you loved him. Keep your head up.


  19. This is one of the most inspirational at the same time tearful posts I have ever read. Losing a pet is never easy, they really grow on you and you love them as your own children. I really loved reading about your memories and everything about your puppy! Thanks for sharing.


  20. This was so beautifully written. I never owned a pet…I was never allowed to but I know a pet love is the same love you can have like humans. I am so sorry you are about to lose a family member, I know he feels your love even if he cant’t read he can feel your spirit. I will be praying for you during this time I know its hard.


  21. Okay, well that def made me teary eyed! =( Poor pup! This was so beautifully written and I am sure he will miss you! I don’t know how I would handle losing a pet =( They become your family, the ones your curl and cuddle with. I am sorry you all have to go through this =(


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